Saturday, August 17, 2019


Hello everyone, this new post I Aqilaputri want to introduce about a very interesting and good project that is Tokoin , and for more details, let's just go to the following discussion:

Image result for tokoin bounty

Tokoin  is a platform of blockchain technology to help small businesses to reach their potential by utilizing data. With members who have joined TOKOIN, it is possible for tokoin users to build a trustworthy profile for all stakeholders in the ecosystem.

The purpose of  Tokoin
  • Building MSME profiles to ensure the integrity of their data.
  • Make a virtual ledger for each MSME transaction.
  • Reducing barriers to financial inclusion by providing reputation assessments.
  • A sustainable business model that allows MSMEs to appear on a higher scale.
  • Improving the economic capability of the entire MSME ecosystem.

Tokoin will build a digital identity for MSMEs that represents a valid reputation.

With the aim of establishing a business credit rating that is in accordance with the standards for implementing business loans.

With a very good Tokoin mission it will be very useful and helpful for MSME entrepreneurs. Especially in Indonesia because Tokoin will educate the MSME market about the importance of correct data so that they can be trusted by large industry owners to get better bargaining power.

Tokoin will also present real-time data of user activity with encryption that secures data exchange that occurs at the platform and only data can be accessed with permission from the data owner.

How it works SHOP
  • For buyers: STORE token flow starts based on trustworthy values ​​from retailer input data and information: basic profile and product value request.
  • For sellers: reseller data will be valued to redeem the appropriate discount and the manufacturer benefits from risking the token.

How are the benefits of MSME from TOKOIN ?
  • Create a credible business profile for them, by processing the user's non-financial data to build a credit rating
  • Enable easy access to funding applications
  • Able to get lower prices through aggregate purchases
  • Earning points for making transactions, which can be exchanged for discounts or services.

Why is TOKOIN useful for MSME entrepreneurs?
Because of the negative problems of business development through credit, it is not channeled properly, thus hampering the growth of MSMEs in Indonesia. So we at TOKOIN will educate the MSME market about the importance of correct data so that they can be trusted by large industry owners to get better bargaining power.

What's in it for Brands and service providers?
  • They can easily access user profiles
  • They can see real-time business transactions
  • They can see the reputation of the business and
  • They can also see the affiliate network.

The store utility token will function as an original token on this platform and will be used as a form of interaction between participants.

Initially, tokens must be based on ERC-20, which will be converted if the team decides to move to another main net.

Token Details
  • Token Name: STORE
  • ICO Token Type: ERC-20
  • Token Supply: 2,000,000,000 STORES
  • Sales Tokens: 700,000,000 STORES (Supply 35% Tokens)
  • Hardcap: $ 25,000,000
  • Softcap: $ 8,000,000

Token Allocation
  • ICO Contributors - 35%
  • Industrial Funds - 40%
  • Treasury - 10%
  • Team & Initial Contributors - 10%
  • Adviser - 5%

Use of funds
  • Product Development - 50%
  • Marketing & BD - 35%
  • Operation - 10%
  • Reserve - 5%

Q4 2018
  • Selling Tokoin Tokens through Personal Sales and Pre-Sales 
  • Development & distribution of Tokoin Wallet

Q1 2019  
  • Grand Launching Tokoin 
  • Selling Tokoin Tokens through crowd sales

Q2 2019
  • On-board Blockchain Advisor for the Tokoin ecosystem 
  • Launch of POC on TestNet

Q3 2019
  • On-board Warehousing Partner for the Tokoin ecosystem 
  • On-board Financial Partner for the Tokoin ecosystem 
  • Expansion of local operations to 10 first-level cities in Indonesia

Q4 2019
  • Launch of the Data Reputation engine 
  • Launch of the Data Visualization platform 
  • Launch of the Partner Suite platform 
  • On the whiteboard of 50,000 users in the Tokoin ecosystem

Q1 2020
  • Launch of dApps on MainNet 
  • Launch of Tokoin POS system 
  • Launch of Data Exchange platform for Token buildup and loyalty program 
  • Expansion of local operations to all capital cities in Indonesia 
  • 10,000 users in the integrated Tokoin POS system

Q2 2020
  • Launch of Tokoin POS System 
  • Expansion of hyper-local pilot operations to Thailand 
  • On-board 1000 users in the Tokoin ecosystem in regional hyper-local markets 
  • Development of AI Solutions for Tokoin to improve Operations

Q3 2020
  • Expansion of hyper-local operations to Vietnam and the Philippines 
  • Over 500,000 users in the Tokoin ecosystem on the Indonesian market 
  • Expansion of local operations to the top 10 cities in Indonesia 
  • On board 50,000 users in the Tokoin ecosystem

Q4 2020
  • Placement of AI as part of Business Intelligence Capability 
  • Introduction of the Forecast & Prediction platform to the Tokoin ecosystem

Q1 2021
  • Integration of AI solutions for Financing and Logistics partners

Q2 2021
  • Expansion of hyper-local operations to other potential emerging markets 
  • Over 10,000 users in the Tokoin hyper-local ecosystem

TOKOIN provides a platform for MSME entrepreneurs to build valuable partnerships that will be brought into an attractive collectible business profile ecosystem that is profitable for business expansion. . By utilizing Blockchain technology, TOKOIN will support decentralized capabilities to provide incentives to users who contribute to the network by providing correct data, because by using this technology TOKOIN will implement encryption that uses the system to transact faster but also safer. So in my opinion, SHOP is a solution for MSME shareholders because they have provided the latest breakthroughs using future technology (Blockchain) so as to provide convenience and comfort for its users.

Here are the reviews I present to you all in finding information and knowing the Tokoin project currently being run by their team, if there is any lack of explaining this article, do not worry, I have set up a link for you to get accurate information. information and of course you will be able to speak directly with their founder or team, at the link.

For more information and join Tokoin social media today please follow these resources:

Username : aqila putri
Address : 0xf1Aee635fb241e9668bE8d32Dd1AffA39Fc4a744
telegram : @Aqila69

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