Tuesday, May 21, 2019

KOI is a utility token based on the Ethereum network under the ERC20 standard

Hello everyone, If you are interested in joining the KOI project, it is a good idea to read reviews that can help you get information that might help you in seeing their vision and mission, as follows:

Image result for KOI - $3.650.000 USD WORTH OF KOI TOKENS IN REWARDS blogger

About Koitech Studio
We are a Fintech company that is in charge of analyzing the weaknesses of the current market and create specific tools that meet the needs and ensure the investment growth of our partners.

Our mission is to promote the use of the blockchain within any environment and commercial sector, developing ideas and innovative projects that allow access for all to a transparent and decentralized economy.

Why Invest in KOI?
  • KOI is one of the best investments in cryptoactives at the moment, because we have contemplated the projects and its profitability for investors. We encourage integration with commercial sector, rewarding the use of our plataform.
  • In addition to providing multiple income options to the holders of our token, we provide a solution to business needs that require transparency, speed and easy of use that only KOI can offer.
  • Our investor will have the opportunity to market our token for other cryptocurrencies in several important exchanges, we also offer up to 20% in bonuses and prices discounts on the amount you wish to invest.

We invite you to be part of the true massification of the blockchain, while you get a high profiability on your investment. We have planned our prices and bonuses strategy to increase the profits of our investors.
  • 10% Bonus in KOI
  • Price: USD 0.95 per koi
  • Instant transfer.
  • Minimum Invest: US$ 10

  • 15% Bonus in KOI
  • Price: USD 0.53 per koi
  • Instant transfer.
  • Minimum Invest: US$ 5,000

  • 20% Bonus in KOI
  • Price: USD 0.26 por koi
  • Instant transfer.
  • Minimum Invest: US$ 200,000

Our projects
Most of the projects related to the blockchain are aimed at people who have computer skills, excluding a large number of people who, due to lack of knowledge or lack of access to technology, have not been able to take advantage effectively to all the advances that the blockchain offers to its users.

Our main idea is focused on the construction of a complete ecosystem so that our currency circulates, involving different economic and social sectors, to the tools of easy use and access that allows users without knowledge to take advantage of the potential of the block chain. Our technology can be used for P2P, P2C, C2C transactions, for the fast and transparent sending / receiving of remittances, for voting, courses, federative sports payments and many other applications.

Virtual POS/Wallet
One of the most difficult areas with which the new user of the blockchain has been found is the lack of options and the simplicity at the moment of making the transactions, however, in KoiTech Studio we found the solution to that difficulty, and even more, we give access to people with little knowledge and without technological devices at their disposal.

We simplify the exchange of commercial values, eliminating banking expenses and connections, Allowing fast and secure transactions, using technological means such as your mobile phone, through the web platform or simply using your ID.

Legendary Cultures
We are in the development of a platform for video games based on a collectable token ERC-721, which must be acquired with our KOI currency. We wish that the users could enjoy an entertainment and at the same time they have an economic income, without needing to know about programming, or have any information about the blockchain.

In legendary cultures all elements will be limited, giving them a real collection and monetary value. Each of the acquired objects can be exchanged in different markets.

We want to connect our technology in open currency markets. From reloading systems to transactions of purchase and sale of our currency, all in the simplest way in such a way that the growth of our community is allowed.

Ease of use is a fundamental requirement in each of the developments. Establishing simple guidelines so that people can exchange their tokens is our priority.

Transactions without coverage
In an emergency situation, telecommunications generally fail, preventing rapid and effective access to products and services. We have devised a credit system that will work for those who have our token in their wallet, reckoned in a monthly average and with lower interest rates than bank rates. This means traders can continue with their commercial activities and for the users a tool that help to solve any possible problems.

Here are the reviews I present to you all in finding information and knowing the KOI project
currently being run by their team, if there is any lack of explaining this article, do not worry, I have
set up a link for you to get accurate information. information and of course you will be able to
speak directly with their founder or team, at the link.

For more information and join KOI social media today please follow these resources:


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