Tuesday, October 29, 2019

SGC - Gold Backed Secured, Stable, Usable Cryptocurrency

Image result for SGC - Gold Backed Secured, Stable, Usable Cryptocurrency blog

Hello everyone, this new post I Aqilaputri want to introduce about a very interesting and good project that is Secured Gold Coin , and for more details, let's just go to the following discussion:

The world economy is littered with miscellaneous cryptocurrencies that fail to deliver on their promises and fiat currencies that are controlled by governments for the benefit of themselves. In response to this growing problem, Secured Gold Coin Pty Limited; based in Australia, has developed Secured Gold Coin (SGC coin), a cryptocurrency that is initially released 60 percent gold-backed coin, is completely decentralized, and is free from manipulation by any single entity. The initial released 60% gold backed coin means that the quantity of gold backing the coin at the time of initial release is not affected by the price volatility of SGC coin or Gold in the future. SGC coins are unique because they have been created specifically for global usage with a virtual wallet that eliminates the need to carry physical cash.

The advantages of SGC blockchain based software contracts (smart contracts) enable SGC coins to be decentralized, secure, and transparent for all users. SGC will initially employ standard digital coins that are exchangeable for specified cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies. SGC holders will have the ability to buy and sell their coins following the official listing on the public cryptocurrency exchange.

Key Objectives
We are focused on achieving three critical objectives. We believe the achievement of these objectives are congruent with the best interests of SGC users and will provide intrinsic value to the communities that embrace SGC coins.

First objective
is to develop a secure, stable, and usable asset backed hybrid currency, thus digitizing the real-world assets

we aim to supply digital assets that incorporate ease-of-access, transparency, and reliability in digital assets that can be used daily or held long-term.

it is essential that principals of security, stability, and usability are embedded within the concepts of SGC.

Most of the companies offering gold-backed digital currencies are reluctant to store any physical gold for avoiding the headache of security or any other risk involved. Moreover, they do not want to be dependent on any third party to get involved in their systems to ensure the security of their gold reserves. Secured Gold Coin with its partners, is ready to face the challenges as they store physical gold in a secure vault. Thus, when you become the user of SGC coins, the physical gold equivalent to 60% part of your initially released SGC coin will be attached to your wallet address and displayed on the SGC Blockchain Explorer. So whenever a user buys SGC coins, a gold certificate is attached to the wallet address of the user. Once the certificate is issued, the wallet address shall remain the same even if its traded to other addresses. Which means that the price and quantity of gold mentioned on the certificate against the SGC coin being purchased, will remain the same and cannot change on the re-selling, valuation, or devaluation of the same coin.

Other than our key objective of providing a universal cryptocurrency for the users to trade hybrid digital assets (asset + utility), and make payments, we are looking forward towards the goals that will lead the SGC coin to become global. With our SGC PAY Debit Card integration, the SGC coin will be adopted as mainstream. The SGC PAY will open new ways of spending and sending SGC coins. The SGC Online Shop aims to provide ways of utilization for our hybrid (asset + utility) coin. And finally listing our coin on global exchanges will make trading easier for the users.
  • We’ve established a fundamental association with MasterCard, Visa Card, and Union Pay
  • SGC PAY debit card integration
  • List SGC coin on exchange
  • SGC Online Shop
  • SGC Crypto Bank
  • Achieve at least a 51% utilization rate in the retail based market by 2024.

Challenges in Bangking System
In the banking system, there are several monetary issues specifically in the cross-border payments settlement which is the base of our businesses today. The system has many inherent flaws and challenges that we need to overcome. Many of our businesses are struggling because of the drawbacks of our conventional banking system. The centralized banking system has been the root of the challenges. Banks being controlled by a central authority who demands the users and businesses to be dependent on it. So, even if it is a cross-border payment or even a transaction of one’s money from the banks, one is dependent on the banks to perform the transaction which also charges heavy fees in turn. These high fees in itself are not favourable for businesses as they gallop a part of the company’s profit.

SGC Coin is not just an asset backed cryptocoin rather it works as a hybrid coin. On one hand, its initial release is 60% backed by physical gold on the other it can be used as a utility coin on our E-commerce platform, be traded on exchanges or can even be integrated with our SGC PAY Debit Card for further payment options. To make the currency available everywhere you go, SGC has introduced various methods for SGC usability. These options make SGC available for you as and when required according to your need and choice. From making payments on online e-commerce platforms to paying on point of sale with SGC PAY Debit Card, from trading to sending and receiving of money from mobile application SGC coin has got all options to make the SGC user content.

Challenges of Cryptocurrencies
To overcome the issues of traditional investments and stock exchanges, cryptocurrencies were introduced. A cryptocurrency is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange using cryptography to secure transactions, to control the creation of additional units, and to verify the transfer of assets. Cryptocurrencies are classified as a subset of digital currencies and are also classified as a subset of alternative currencies and virtual currencies. Initially, they seemed to solve the problems faced in the traditional investment procedures but they have there inherent limitations and challenges as well. Over a period of time, cryptocurrencies are evolved in the following manner.

Currency Coins
Currency tokens/coins like BTC, ETH, and LTC were made just as a replacement for fiat money. They are used as a payment method and can be traded for real fiat. users have used them as investments owing to the trends of various cryptocurrencies showing an increase in valuation Bitcoin being on the top. But these currency coins specifically bitcoin have been incredibly volatile since its inception. The price volatility of bitcoin can be visualized from the graph below where the bitcoin index value for the end of October 2016 was 679 U.S. dollars reaching to 19,783.06 U.S. dollars on December 17, 2017, in just a year.

Utility Coins
Utility tokens/coins came into being after the evolution of currency coins. These coins are mostly used in ICO’s and expect an increase in value to the users by providing practical utilities to the users and platform users. The valuation of these coins is dependent on supply and demand cycles and are thus vulnerable to outside stimuli. One cannot guarantee a future profit while investing in a utility coin. Here’s a plot of 118 coins that have been floated onto the markets that have achieved at least an average of $250,000 market cap in any one year of their existence. The graph clearly depicts how the value of most of the coins has fallen

Asset-Backed Hybrid Coins
After the introduction of Bitcoin and Ethereum, there has been constant research on improving the cryptocurrency market. The cryptocurrencies have kept on improving from a basic investment based tradable currencies to utility coins, security coins, asset-backed coins, and now the hybrid coins.

coins are the invention for the future. These are the blockchain coins backed by real valuable assets mostly at 1:1 ratio but can be changed depending on the need of a platform. Backing a coin with the real-world tangible or intangible object of economic value makes the worth of coin exactly the value they are backed for. Thus, there is never the risk of losing digital assets until or unless the worth of asset falls.

SGC Hybrid Coins

Benefits of Asset-Backed Coins
Tokenizing assets has become a very advantageous source of making investments as it is turning the world into a massive stock market. There are some benefits of asset-backed coins given below:

Liquidity enhancement
Asset tokenization enhances the liquidity of assets that otherwise have very low liquidity. It allows asset owners to capture liquidity premiums from assets that otherwise, due to low liquidity would not be actively traded because of low liquidity results in making assets expensive to trade.

Instant traceability via exchanges
Liquidity matters when introducing a new type of asset; users will be nervous and so will want to avoid long-term lock-in. Real-time settlement offers instant traceability via crypto exchanges, which is the first step towards liquidity.

Diversification of risk
Through tokenizing assets, people who cannot make huge investments can invest in some percentage of the whole asset making them able to get the ownership of one cheap part instead of an expensive whole. Tokenizing the asset allows diversification of risk such that one owner won’t be much affected if the whole asset is damaged and lose its value because he has invested in a part of different assets.

Ownership transference without restrictions
Asset-backed coins let the dealers and owners transfer ownership without the restrictions of temporal and territorial barriers as the coins can be sold globally.

A secure and cost-efficient way of getting ownership
Asset-backed coins on blockchain provide secure, cost-efficient, and fast way of getting ownership as the transactions on the blockchain have low to no transaction cost.

Referral incentivization for influencers
An influencer who has fractional ownership of an asset through asset-backed coins is incentivized for bringing more users or buyers into the asset.

Low administrative costs
Tokenization diminishes the administrative costs: due to excessive documentation because smart contracts instantly execute agreements that improve the speed of settlements.

Availability of assets’ ownership history
Trust through verifiability, transparency, and immutability. This is where regulation is critical as we are in the scammy era of Blockchain today. Tokenizing the assets using block – chain makes the asset securitization easier because the owners can know the history of the asset about previous ownership. Moreover, lawyers can make use of the transac – tions history to transfer ownership of the asset. In this way, the frauds like occupying land illegally, in the real estate industry would be minimized as complete history would be available.

The users will be able to track all transactions and these transactions will be immutable courtesy blockchain technology.

The SGC coins are stable with their value because their value will not fluctuate or deplete as other cryptocurrencies’ values have become. SGC coin is backed by gold which will remain on high demand that will keep its value stable. So the users will get a definite benefit when they exchange SGC with fiat currency at a high exchange rate

Users can use secured gold coins for making payments while purchasing different items. They can use SGC coins for trading and exchanging them with other cryptocurrencies or fiat from the global exchange. SGC coins are available to any new user as the Signup process is quick and easy.

SGC PAY Debit Card
As cryptocurrency has not been accepted everywhere till now, therefore it is a very useful way of spending SGC coins using your SGC PAY Debit Card as it makes SGC coins usable everywhere.

The blockchain is a decentralized distributed ledger that allows secure, fast, and cost-efficient transactions to be made in no time. With blockchain, the data stored cannot be changed once entered which makes it an immutable distributed ledger. Being a decentralized and distributed architecture, blockchain allows everyone on the network, to take part in the transaction validation mechanism called consensus making it a highly trustworthy, secure, anti-fraudulent, and durable for data storage.

People often question how digital currencies can have value without being backed by any tangible asset. The answer is: they are more durable, divisible, fungible, scarce, and transferable than fiat currencies. But there are several digital currencies backed by tangible asset known as asset-backed tokens/coins. The most popular of asset-backed digital currencies are Gold-backed coins that have physical gold to sustain their value. The potential asset-backed coin market size is much bigger and encompasses different assets such as oil, gold, fiat currencies, diamonds, real estate, shares of companies, artwork, intellectual property etc.

Security Tokens
Security tokens and Security Token Offerings (STO’s) are the new things in the market. They were introduced to tackle the problem of currency tokens and utility tokens. Security tokens offer dividends from the company’s profit to the users. They work the same as the stock exchange shares. Security tokens are however more secure than utility currencies but the problem of losing all the investment in case of loss is still there. There is just a need for a digital asset that can assure users of some guaranteed value to remove the insecurities. The predicted hype cycle also foresee a fall in the liquidity of the security tokens in the upcoming years.

SGC Wallet
Secured Gold Coin Pty Limited has developed its crypto wallet that will facilitate the users to make transactions and view their information on transactions made by themselves. SGC in its aim to provide users with ease with as many options as possible, has developed the SGC Wallet across multiple platforms including SGC Web Wallet, SGC Mobile Wallet (Android, iPhone), and SGC Desktop Wallet (Windows, Linux, MAC). Our SGC wallet enables the user to,

Create New Account:
the users can create new wallets from the SGC Wallet applications on all platforms. This refers to the generation of new credentials.

Import Accounts:
a user can import an already existing accounts into the SGC Wallet using KeyStore file or private keys.

Passphrase and Pattern Security:
SGC has employed passphrase and pattern security. This involves key encryption with a passphrase or a pattern (for mobile devices).

Check Account Balance:
a user can check his/her account balance.
  • Check Overall Balance of Accounts in Wallet:
  • Check Transactions:
  • Check Transaction History:
  • Send SGC Coins:

A user can send SGC coins from his wallet by setting the transaction fee as per his/her choice. A user is required to provide the passphrase of account before transaction.

Integrate SGC PAY Debit Card:
SGC wallet comes with the functionality of SGC PAY Debit Card integration to allow an additional usability feature for the SGC Coins.

Deploy Contract:
Users can deploy contracts from the SGC Wallets by providing private key at the run time. No keys will be stored during the process.

Coin at Time Of Initial Release
  • Total Price Per Coin (USD) : $1
  • Utility Part Price Per Coin (USD – 40%) : $0.4
  • Gold Part Price Per Coin (USD – 60%) : 0.6
  • Current Gold Price Per Gram (USD) : $40
  • Gold Per Coin (Grams) : 0.015 gm

Coin at Time Of Initial Release
  • Total Price Per Coin (USD) : $10
  • Utility Part Price Per Coin (USD – 40%) : $8.8
  • Gold Part Price Per Coin (USD – 60%) : $1.2
  • Current Gold Price Per Gram (USD) : $80
  • Gold Per Coin (Grams) : 0.015 gm

This schedule of events is merely a projection of future coin releases: depending on demand and supply and is subject to change at any time. Deviations from this schedule will be accompanied by an official announcement to the public. Furthermore, the total supply of SGC coins in existence will not at any point in time exceed one billion SGC coins.

  • Join at: sale.securedgoldcoin.com
  • Contact ID: sale@securedgoldcoin.com
  • SGC Sale Start Date: October 04th, 2019
  • Special Offer End Date: October 14th, 2019
  • SGC Sale Supply: 1 Million
  • Coin Price: 1 US Dollar
  • Currencies Accepted: BTC, ETH, USD



The part of quality and quantity
To to be able to reach a larger market — both cryptocurrency and gold investors, it is necessary for Secured Gold Coin as a platform to employ the services of expert digital marketers and influencers to drive traffic to their social media channels while creating an engaging online community.

Featuring the platform in top media publications like Forbes, Yahoo Finance, CCN, CoinTelegraph, Investing.com, and Hackernoon which have a large reader-base could prove invaluable in bringing Secured Gold Coin to the attention of potential investors.

Also, the inclusion of more incentivized community activities directed towards increasing the online presence of Secured Gold Coin would serve to further increase the project’s online visibility.

Realizing that all great things take time, I believe that in the nearest future, Secured Gold Coin will become one of the most preferred means of investing in the highly liquid and profitable gold markets.

As an investor, I would always seek to use more transparent platforms that are dedicated to improving their brand through partnerships, security audits, and regular community updates.

I had to take my time to outline the differences to inform individuals interested in investing in gold via cryptocurrency realize that although platforms similar to Secured Gold Coin exist, Secured Gold Coin offers numerous advantages over existing alternatives.

Here are the reviews I present to you all in finding information and knowing the Secured Gold Coin project currently being run by their team, if there is any lack of explaining this article, do not worry, I have set up a link for you to get accurate information. information and of course you will be able to speak directly with their founder or team, at the link.

For more information and join Secured Gold Coin social media today please follow these resources:

Username : Aqila putri
Telegram : @aqila69
SGC Wallet Address : 0x1f604caEc198ee3A7D4183F8af0438D077601054

Saturday, August 17, 2019


Related image

Hello everyone, If you are interested in joining the BITWINGS project, it is a good idea to read
reviews that can help you get information that might help you in seeing their vision and mission, as follows:


Wings Mobile is a Spanish virtual mobile operator founded in 2007, focused on the development of innovative software, smartphones and laptops. After less than a year into their new business strategy, implemented in 2017, the company received the ALCI AWARD for ‘Best Technological Design’ for their state-of-the-art smartphones that were created with a focus on innovation, security, and price.

The mobile communication market is evolving swiftly and has unstoppable momentum. Beyond the traffic of information through voice (calls) and data (with all of the applications available for smartphones), mobile has become the main operational channel for financial activities and other exchanges of sensitive information.

We believe that the future is built on incorporating security protocols and tools into our products that will also facilitate seamless trades on crypto exchanges and enable crypto payments for goods and services.

The mission of Wings Mobile is to create devices that increase the security and privacy standards of electronic devices without sacrificing the freedom to use all available applications.

We offer software solutions dedicated to the protection of users’ privacy and confidential data. Wings Mobile are integrating neural technology within its new X series devices, employing security features unique to our proprietary technology, starting with our new Wings Minephone WX™.

Through Wings Pay, we are implementing a revolutionary payments platform for all crypto users who wish to buy goods and services using digital currencies. Wings Mobile is positioning itself as a leading global company to accept cryptocurrencies as a means of payment within its entire ecosystem, underpinning our technological solutions and worldwide expansion program.

Wings Safe OS is based on an encrypted and secure partition (32 GB) of storage memory, and is completely independent from the main Android system. No application, control or Android API has access to Wings Safe Core.

AI (Artificial Intelligence) allows to predict, identify and eliminate cyber threats with a speed and efficiency which is not always possible through human analysis. Thanks to the implementation of neural technology, Wings Mobile offers its devices greater control, analysis and security management.

Wings developed exclusive software which permanently protects privacy thanks to the integration of neuronal technology. Telephone calls, photos, videos, private applications, and confidential data can no longer be violated.

A complete payment solution for physical and online stores, which uses blockchain technology with a new vision. Both innovative and complete thanks to the integration of WingsPos, an Android operating system device available to all stores.

Security for all of those who own and wallet and operate in the blockchain market.

To democratize technology, working towards a fair price for smartphones and laptops that do not penalize people based on where they live.

To directly accept our Bitwings cryptocurrency in all of our Store’s for purchasing goods and services, so that it can develop as a currency.

Privacy for all of those who do not want their telephone conversations or sensitive information to be intervened by third parties.

To Guarantee the issue value of the WINGS MOBILE token (known as BitWings), regardless of the cryptocurrency market fluctuations


Buy online – Buy offline – Buy Apps at Wings Playstore
Payment of recurring services (periodic payments) – Sending money from person to person (peer to peer).

Thanks to the creation of SKD centers (assembly centers) strategically distributed in countries that enjoy bilateral agreements and free trade markets with other countries, Wings Mobile can offer its products at a single price anywhere in the world.

In order to coordinate, manage and distribute the products and services from Wings Mobile, a Business Unit is created in each country, which allows direct control of all phases pertaining to the distribution of products and services: import, logistics, administration and marketing.

Wings Store is an alternative form of franchise. Unlike the latter, there are no geographical limits and the role of the affiliate is similar to that of a main franchise. Each Wings Store Affiliate may offer affiliation to other affiliates of the new Wings Store for indirect commissions on newly introduced affiliate sales.

Wings, through its e-commerce portal, has created a real affiliate program known as Social Market, which aims to monetize the communication that users keep daily on social networks (WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, etc.) to post and share Wings Mobile advertising content. For each purchased item, Wings Mobile offers an important commission equivalent to 25% of the value of the product.

In addition, in order to reach business users in a professional manner, Wings Mobile will create an alternative distribution line through professional sales agencies. These agencies normally operate commercially through direct sales channels directed to companies, proposing contracts and telephone offers.

Wings Mobile follows the RIM model (blackberry) which offers telecommunications operators the possibility to market their devices and the exclusive services included in the OEM or Co-Branding mode.

  • BitWings, the cryptocurrency of Wings Mobile
  • Detailed information about our token
  • Token name: BWN
  • Type of Token: ERC20
  • Soft Cap: 30,000,00 BWN
  • Hard Cap: 189,000,000 BWN
  • It starts on: January 2, 2019
  • It ends on: November 30, 2019
  • Max. tokens created: 300,000,000 BWN

  • Pre-sale Price : 1 BWN = 0.1 USD
  • ICO Price: 1 BWN = 0.2 USD
  • Accepting: ETH, BTC, Fiat
  • Soft cap: 3,000,000 USD
  • Hard cap: 30,000,000 USD

  • Private sale (02. January – 30. June) – 50% bonus
  • ICO phase 1 (1. Sept – 30. Sept) – 25% bonus
  • ICO phase 2 (1. Oct – 20. Oct) – 15% bonus
  • ICO phase 3 (21. Oct – 10. Nov) – 5% bonus
  • ICO phase 4 (11. Nov – 30. Nov) – 0% bonus


2Q 2017
  • Developed the first Safe Hybrid Technology;
  • Wings Mobile wins “ALCI AWARDS” for Technological DESIGN.

3Q 2017
  • Developed the first prototypes of W5 and W2 smartphone;
  • Wings Mobile presents the Social Market Project;
  • Wings Mobile launches GSM Mobile Phone Services in Spain.

4Q 2017
  • Developed the Wings back office;
  • Development and design of Laptop
  • Wings Book;
  • Launched the W2 & W5 models in the spanish market

1Q 2018
  • Wings Energy integration development, in Wings backoffice;
  • Laptop Wings Book commercial launch.

2Q 2018
  • Development of new wings suite
  • software & new wings dialer version;
  • Development of new W2+ & W5+ technological drawings;
  • Development new Wings Book line;
  • Wings Energy commercial launch.

3Q 2018
  • Prototype realization of W2 & W5 smartphones;
  • Prototype realization of the new laptop Wings Book;
  • ICO Bitwings technological development;
  • Pre-launch in Peru, Ecuador and Colombia; Presentation of new smartphones
  • W2+ & W5+ ; Presentation of new Wbook models.

4Q 2018
  • New smartphone W3 and W6 development;
  • Wings PAY blockchain system
  • development (off-line pos system);
  • PoD mining mobile app development;
  • Creation of business units: Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru;
  • Launching Bitwings private sale.

1Q 2019
  • Development of the new integrated software in the X-Generation series;
  • Development of new X-generation devices (WX & Xbook);
  • Development of the Safe Core operating system;
  • Prototype realization of the Minephone;
  • Launch new devices W3 and W6;
  • The launch of the new business units of Italy, Argentina, and Mexico.

2Q 2019
  • Development Wings PAY blockchain system (on-line system);
  • Development of Super Natural Speech Virtual Assistant “Angel”;
  • The World launch of the new Wings Minephone;
  • Creation of the new business units: France, Germany, UK, Brazil, Austria, Greece, Ireland, Netherlands, Canada, Chile, USA, Portugal.

3Q 2019
  • Adding modules to Super Natural Speech Virtual Assistant “Angel”;
  • Development of new smartphones W2, W4, W7, W8;
  • World launch of new X-Generation devices;
  • World launch of Wings PAY;
  • Creating new business units of
  • Belgium, Bulgaria, Hungary, Luxembourg,
  • Poland, Romania, Bolivia, Panama, Paraguay, Uruguay.

4Q 2019
  • Launching new smartphones W2, W4, W7, W8;
  • Creation of the new business units of Croatia, Czech Rep., Slovenia, Slovakia, Sweden, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras.


Here are the reviews I present to you all in finding information and knowing the BITWINGS project currently being run by their team, if there is any lack of explaining this article, do not worry, I have set up a link for you to get accurate information. information and of course you will be able to speak directly with their founder or team, at the link.

For more information and join BITWINGS social media today please follow these resources:


Username : aqila putri   
Address : 0xf1Aee635fb241e9668bE8d32Dd1AffA39Fc4a744
telegram : @Aqila69 


Hello everyone, this new post I Aqilaputri want to introduce about a very interesting and good project that is Tokoin , and for more details, let's just go to the following discussion:

Image result for tokoin bounty

Tokoin  is a platform of blockchain technology to help small businesses to reach their potential by utilizing data. With members who have joined TOKOIN, it is possible for tokoin users to build a trustworthy profile for all stakeholders in the ecosystem.

The purpose of  Tokoin
  • Building MSME profiles to ensure the integrity of their data.
  • Make a virtual ledger for each MSME transaction.
  • Reducing barriers to financial inclusion by providing reputation assessments.
  • A sustainable business model that allows MSMEs to appear on a higher scale.
  • Improving the economic capability of the entire MSME ecosystem.

Tokoin will build a digital identity for MSMEs that represents a valid reputation.

With the aim of establishing a business credit rating that is in accordance with the standards for implementing business loans.

With a very good Tokoin mission it will be very useful and helpful for MSME entrepreneurs. Especially in Indonesia because Tokoin will educate the MSME market about the importance of correct data so that they can be trusted by large industry owners to get better bargaining power.

Tokoin will also present real-time data of user activity with encryption that secures data exchange that occurs at the platform and only data can be accessed with permission from the data owner.

How it works SHOP
  • For buyers: STORE token flow starts based on trustworthy values ​​from retailer input data and information: basic profile and product value request.
  • For sellers: reseller data will be valued to redeem the appropriate discount and the manufacturer benefits from risking the token.

How are the benefits of MSME from TOKOIN ?
  • Create a credible business profile for them, by processing the user's non-financial data to build a credit rating
  • Enable easy access to funding applications
  • Able to get lower prices through aggregate purchases
  • Earning points for making transactions, which can be exchanged for discounts or services.

Why is TOKOIN useful for MSME entrepreneurs?
Because of the negative problems of business development through credit, it is not channeled properly, thus hampering the growth of MSMEs in Indonesia. So we at TOKOIN will educate the MSME market about the importance of correct data so that they can be trusted by large industry owners to get better bargaining power.

What's in it for Brands and service providers?
  • They can easily access user profiles
  • They can see real-time business transactions
  • They can see the reputation of the business and
  • They can also see the affiliate network.

The store utility token will function as an original token on this platform and will be used as a form of interaction between participants.

Initially, tokens must be based on ERC-20, which will be converted if the team decides to move to another main net.

Token Details
  • Token Name: STORE
  • ICO Token Type: ERC-20
  • Token Supply: 2,000,000,000 STORES
  • Sales Tokens: 700,000,000 STORES (Supply 35% Tokens)
  • Hardcap: $ 25,000,000
  • Softcap: $ 8,000,000

Token Allocation
  • ICO Contributors - 35%
  • Industrial Funds - 40%
  • Treasury - 10%
  • Team & Initial Contributors - 10%
  • Adviser - 5%

Use of funds
  • Product Development - 50%
  • Marketing & BD - 35%
  • Operation - 10%
  • Reserve - 5%

Q4 2018
  • Selling Tokoin Tokens through Personal Sales and Pre-Sales 
  • Development & distribution of Tokoin Wallet

Q1 2019  
  • Grand Launching Tokoin 
  • Selling Tokoin Tokens through crowd sales

Q2 2019
  • On-board Blockchain Advisor for the Tokoin ecosystem 
  • Launch of POC on TestNet

Q3 2019
  • On-board Warehousing Partner for the Tokoin ecosystem 
  • On-board Financial Partner for the Tokoin ecosystem 
  • Expansion of local operations to 10 first-level cities in Indonesia

Q4 2019
  • Launch of the Data Reputation engine 
  • Launch of the Data Visualization platform 
  • Launch of the Partner Suite platform 
  • On the whiteboard of 50,000 users in the Tokoin ecosystem

Q1 2020
  • Launch of dApps on MainNet 
  • Launch of Tokoin POS system 
  • Launch of Data Exchange platform for Token buildup and loyalty program 
  • Expansion of local operations to all capital cities in Indonesia 
  • 10,000 users in the integrated Tokoin POS system

Q2 2020
  • Launch of Tokoin POS System 
  • Expansion of hyper-local pilot operations to Thailand 
  • On-board 1000 users in the Tokoin ecosystem in regional hyper-local markets 
  • Development of AI Solutions for Tokoin to improve Operations

Q3 2020
  • Expansion of hyper-local operations to Vietnam and the Philippines 
  • Over 500,000 users in the Tokoin ecosystem on the Indonesian market 
  • Expansion of local operations to the top 10 cities in Indonesia 
  • On board 50,000 users in the Tokoin ecosystem

Q4 2020
  • Placement of AI as part of Business Intelligence Capability 
  • Introduction of the Forecast & Prediction platform to the Tokoin ecosystem

Q1 2021
  • Integration of AI solutions for Financing and Logistics partners

Q2 2021
  • Expansion of hyper-local operations to other potential emerging markets 
  • Over 10,000 users in the Tokoin hyper-local ecosystem

TOKOIN provides a platform for MSME entrepreneurs to build valuable partnerships that will be brought into an attractive collectible business profile ecosystem that is profitable for business expansion. . By utilizing Blockchain technology, TOKOIN will support decentralized capabilities to provide incentives to users who contribute to the network by providing correct data, because by using this technology TOKOIN will implement encryption that uses the system to transact faster but also safer. So in my opinion, SHOP is a solution for MSME shareholders because they have provided the latest breakthroughs using future technology (Blockchain) so as to provide convenience and comfort for its users.

Here are the reviews I present to you all in finding information and knowing the Tokoin project currently being run by their team, if there is any lack of explaining this article, do not worry, I have set up a link for you to get accurate information. information and of course you will be able to speak directly with their founder or team, at the link.

For more information and join Tokoin social media today please follow these resources:

Username : aqila putri
Address : 0xf1Aee635fb241e9668bE8d32Dd1AffA39Fc4a744
telegram : @Aqila69

Thursday, August 15, 2019

HUBRISONE- Unique Digital Bank

Hello everyone, this new post I Aqilaputri want to introduce about a very interesting and good project that is HUBRISONE, and for more details, let's just go to the following discussion:

What did you know about Hubrisone. Today I will tell you about it. Hubrisone is a simple and handy solution for you to manage your cryptocurrencies money assets easily. Just need a personal computer or an internet-connected phone with a few clicks, you can send and receive money, perform conversion activities and more. You can find this application of Hubrisone by.
  • For phones using Android operating system you need to log in to google play to search Hubrisone application, then you will proceed to install the application. It only takes a few minutes to install this application very quickly and conveniently.
  • For phones using IOS operating system, you log in to the App Store and search for Hubrisone to install this application.

Hubrisone's goal is to become the link between the old financial and banking worlds and the new cryptocurrencies money. In a very new, safe, principle and user-friendly way. Hubrisone takes advantage of Blockchain and cryptocurrencies money technology to improve and upgrade the service processes of traditional banks. To do this, it is clear that a roadmap is needed, a reliable scientific solution is needed. Hubrisone does not try to remove the traditional banking system but will help upgrade the system, help people get acquainted with cryptocurrencies cryptocurrencies, while still maintaining the importance of their trusted banking system they use on a daily basis.

For Hubrisone application, you can manage your cryptocurrencies money assets smartly, conveniently, quickly through top cryptocurrencies like BTC, ETH or XRP. Fiat currency is also supported: USD, GBP or EUR. One more special thing, when you use the Hubrisone application to pay, you will be rewarded with the HBRS token every time you make money transfers. In the app, you can connect your cryptocurrencies accounts and view your balances, view transaction history, the categories you invest in and track all your account activity safely. Full and convenient.

In the HubrisOne ecosystem, their Development Team issues a functional utility token called Hubris Token (HBRS), which will be used in HubrisOne's application and infrastructure, as a value store, how to transfer money, get access, discounts and be used as a form of payment associated with HubrisOne debit card. Through an integrated cryptocurrencies credit-based module, you can log in and liquidate. Discount on interest rates when using HubrisOne token.

There are many categories available for you to choose, such as: Travel, accommodation, insurance, finance, e-commerce. Just log in to the app, you can connect your bank account to the app and use it to buy goods, book airline tickets, book hotels or buy and sell cryptocurrencies money in seconds. For each new customer who has registered and successfully opened HubrisOne account will receive the equivalent of $ 10 HBRS token at current market price. In addition, each customer will receive a Visa/ Mastercard HubrisOne secure debit card, which will be attached to their HubrisOne bank account or wallet. When customers make purchases of goods and banking transactions, they will receive a 1% refund in Hubris token.

Token Information:
  • Token Name: Hubris / HBRS
  • Token Blockchain: ERC20
  • Fixed Supply: 1,000,000,000 (1 Billion)
  • Token Sale Allocation: 65% (650M Hubris)
  • Soft Cap: $900,000 ($900K)
  • Hard Cap: $10,000,000 ($10M)

Project team:

Project road map:

The creation of the HubrisOne Bank, which supports both cryptocurrencies and Fiat, is a very relevant idea, since such a solution will increase the level of confidence in virtual currencies and allow them to be used along with the usual payment instruments. And, given the fact that the Bank will use to interact with customers mobile application, it will allow to carry out financial transactions from anywhere in the world, which is especially beneficial in the current environment.

Investing in the development of HubrisOne will be very profitable for investors, as this Bank can become the most popular in the world in just a couple of years.

Here are the reviews I present to you all in finding information and knowing the HubrisOne project currently being run by their team, if there is any lack of explaining this article, do not worry, I have set up a link for you to get accurate information. information and of course you will be able to speak directly with their founder or team, at the link.

For more information and join HubrisOne social media today please follow these resources:

Username : aqila putri
Address : 0xfe10c06814d8a36fff1fe0ae7902272d6f12df24
telegram : @Aqila69

RachelX High - Class -Erotic at its best.

Hello everyone, this new post I Aqilaputri want to introduce about a very interesting and good project that is RachelX, and for more details, let's just go to the following discussion:

Erotic market is one of the business markets that has been around for a long time, with a growing demand, this has resulted in a variety of new innovations in this market. As time goes by the development of technology is also increasingly sophisticated and one of the technologies most widely integrated in this market today is virtual technology that allows its users to experience a different experience from the products offered in the market today. RachelX is an unique innovation that will provide this new experience to us!

What is RachelX?
RachelX is a platform that focuses on the erotic market where they try to combine the erotic business sector and also fantastic virtual technology for its users as this will provide a new experience that is different from products that already existed in the erotic market before. By utilizing virtual technology and also combining it with the erotic market, users will get the experience of an extraordinary erotic adventure where they can create their own avatars in the virtual world developed by the RachelX Team, by becoming a bridge between virtual and real-world erotic experiences, they want to become a pioneer in this potential market. RachelX is a unique platform that offers a platform for virtual and real services erotic experiences.

The Virtual World developed by RachelX will utilize the latest virtual reality technology, where their virtual world will provide a variety of hot models, an accurate 3D body scanner, and 360 camera features that make it possible to experience this to the fullest. With Pure Scan Technology offered by RachelX, this will scan the whole body accurately and can be set up in the erotic studio 3D-Body Scanner developed by RachelX, this will certainly give its users a unique sexual fantasy where they can act as avatars themselves and do it with the dream model chosen by them. In addition, with RachelX Live Features, users can meet their chosen model in real life and enjoy a variety of services offered by them. For more details, you can read their whitepaper here: https://www.rachelx.co.uk/storage/2019/07/World-of-Rachel-White-Paper-V1.pdf

What is RACH?
RACH is a native token that will be used in their ecosystem and this token is based on Ethereum Blockchain technology (ERC-20), by using this technology and utilizing smart contracts, RACH will become the primary payment tool for various services that available on their platform and in their real world services. This is a core part of their ecosystem and of course holders can use this token to try unique erotic experiences in the virtual world they are developing. When this article is written, If you interested, RACH Token can be obtained through the IEO process which will be available in several markets soon. For more details you can see below and also visit their official website here: https://www.rachelx.co.uk

Token & Distribution Details
  • Token Name: RACH
  • Platform: Ethereum
  • MVP: YES (Here)
  • Price: 1 RACH =  0.000047 ETH
  • Soft Cap: 100,000 USD
  • Hard Cap: 30,000,000 USD
  • Country: UK
  • KYC: None

Erotic market always has its own place for everyone. It is undeniable that the development of this market is very significant every year because of the influence of technological developments that continue to provide new innovations, RachelX is one of these innovations by developing virtual world ecosystems that provide new erotic experiences, of course this is very innovative. By combining virtual technology and also the erotic market I am very sure this will produce a potential new virtual-erotic ecosystem.

Here are the reviews I present to you all in finding information and knowing the RachelX project
currently being run by their team, if there is any lack of explaining this article, do not worry, I have
set up a link for you to get accurate information. information and of course you will be able to
speak directly with their founder or team, at the link.

For more information and join RachelX social media today please follow these resources:

Username : aqila putri
Address : 0xf1Aee635fb241e9668bE8d32Dd1AffA39Fc4a744
telegram : @Aqila69


Hello everyone, this new post I Aqilaputri want to introduce about a very interesting and good project that is Tycoon, and for more details, let's just go to the following discussion:

About Tycoon
Tycoon - the first Social Trading platform developed by Professional Traders. If you read this then you have probably been for the lookout for a Social Trading platform that is focussed on Crypto. And you probably have tried some solutions that did not satisfy you. That is exactly where Tycoon is coming from.

As Professional Traders the founders of this project have evaluated all available Social Trading Platforms for personal use, but were unable to fi nd a solution that has been developed with the Trader in mind. Most of the existing solutions do not meet the needs of Professional Traders. As a result there is weak adoption and limited use for Retail Traders. Our aim is to entirely change this game.

If you have less than 2 years experience in this market and are not familiar with analyzing historical price action, Market Dynamics, Macro Trend Analysis, Risk Management (to name a few) then there is a high degree of probability you will not succeed instantly to turn a profi t through trading this market. The more likely scenario is that after the fi rst year trading you will be in a loss, despite allocating a big portion of your day to understand the dynamics of the market and making better informed decisions moving forward.

Hence this is also why there is an increasing demand in this market for trading platforms that allow you to reduce the risk by following already successful traders. Traders that have no interest to share their strategies with a following base, but you do not mind to be transparent about their trades so followers can copy their trades and step up their game in the process.

How is Tycoon ensuring Adoption?

As every trader has their own style and set of tools we wanted to do more than just projecting our own needs onto a platform. Before we started to develop the platform in 2018 we have spoken to hundreds of traders and created a feature profi le based on their input. The result is the most complete solution which becomes evident when looking at the comparison chart. Tycoon is the only solution with built in margin trading which is critical for Pro Traders. But this is just where it starts.

Explore an ever-expanding variety of cryptocurrencies and automatically copy the underlying assets from professional Traders in our community.

Build your portfolio and enjoy the security and benefits of the biggest exchanges in one place.

Explore an ever-expanding variety of cryptocurrencies and automatically copy the underlying assets from professional Traders in our community. Build your portfolio and enjoy the security and benefits of the biggest exchanges in one place.

Copy investment
Followers are able to copy investment strategies from professional traders without entrusting their investments to unknown third-party institutions.

Classified traders
Traders are classified according to various characteristics and can be sorted by the follower in any way desired.

Followers confidentiality
Followers also have the option to operate on the platform anonymously.

Profits followers
Successful traders profit from their followers added investments without having to manage it themselves.

Without additional effort
Traders profit from their followers returns on investment pro rata, without much additional effort.

Privacy protection
All users have the option to work with an alias to protect their privacy.

On the platform, the Tycoon Token serves as a payment currency, just as BTC and ETH. When you use the Tycoon Token, you will receive discounts on fees and profit shares, similar to BNB on Binance.

Name: Tycoon
Blockchain: ERC-20
Max. supply: 140 million
ICO Price: 0.10 $


Here are the reviews I present to you all in finding information and knowing the Tycoon project currently being run by their team, if there is any lack of explaining this article, do not worry, I have set up a link for you to get accurate information. information and of course you will be able to speak directly with their founder or team, at the link.

For more information and join Tycoon social media today please follow these resources:

Username : aqila putri
Address : 0xf1Aee635fb241e9668bE8d32Dd1AffA39Fc4a744
telegram : @Aqila69

Wednesday, August 14, 2019


Hi friends If you are interested in joining the LolCoin project, you should read reviews that can help you get information that can help you see their vision and mission. Here's the review

Education is a trillion-dollar industry and it’s getting bigger, UNESCO’s Sustainable Development Goal 4 is that every one of its 193 member states spends 4-6% of GDP and/or 15-20% of total public expenditure on education by 2030.

The sector is growing because there are more young people to be educated. But also because the level of education among the global population is increasing. The UN’s Millennium Development Goals aimed for universal primary education by 2015.

By 2015, 91% of children in developing regions were enrolled, up from 83% in 2000 — an increase of 43 million children.

Since 1970, there has been a massive expansion in tertiary education around the world. As universities have become more accessible, enrolment has soared. On average, 36% of today’s young adults in OECD countries are expected to graduate at least once from tertiary education before they are 30.

The greatest expansion has taken place in Asia. Korea has the highest proportion of graduates: 67.7% of 25-34 year olds have been through tertiary education.

Digital disruption is everywhere. Classrooms, lectures and textbooks are giving way to innovative new teaching methods. One of the major advancements is digital distribution, which means students can experience more personalised content and enjoy greater access to university courses. We have seen this in the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) offered by a variety of providers including Coursera and EdX.

University students are demanding more from technology in the classroom and the campus. Digital natives are entering university with greater digital expectations – they want high performing technology in their educational and administrative experience which reflects the connectivity that they experience in their daily personal lives. The kinds of new technologies emerging have the potential to transform the student learning experience.


LOL ecosystem will empower everyone to gain world class education using blockchain technology and our immense experience through our unique concept. Unlike Traditional education system LOL will reduce the barriers through its Decentralized DIGITAL LEARNING MATERIALS marketplace for testing & certifications from European International University.

LOL’s use of blockchain based certification and referencing including introduction of FINGER PRINT DIGITAL PERSONALITY TESTING using AI & Blockchain fundamentals for storing unique characteristics of candidates will match them to recruiters & university courses & degrees.


The team behind the LOL project already owns and runs international kindergartens, primary and second schools (www.wells.ac.th) A business school (www.bsm.ac.th) for the past 20+ years, as well as most recently, added a French Government recognized and internationally accredited university (www.eiu.ac) to their already fascinating portfolio.

The company has been offered to go public on traditional stock market to raise funds to further expand its operations in countries like Myanmar, Guinea (West Africa) and the like. However, being one of the most progressive thinking organizations, the team has instead decided to go public on the blockchain (decentralized) space to allow for the wider participation of the masses, not the classes, in the further growth and development of the company and all of its business divisions .

LOL Coins are tokens, based on the Ethereum blockchain technology. It is the core asset of the new Learn Online education ecosystem. Users possessing LOL Coins can exchange them for buying digital education on the marketplace.

LOL Coins are tokens, based on the Ethereum blockchain technology. It is the core asset of the new Learn Online education ecosystem. Users possessing LOL Coins can exchange them for buying digital education on the marketplace.


Any Platform
LOL Platform will take a shot at work areas, cell and tablets utilizing the application.

The decentralized advanced learning market is put with numerous wellsprings of pay.

Winning Team
Educator/Teacher Certified Staff, Certified Technologists and Recruitment as of now accessible.

Direct Rss Feed
News/direct data about new courses, confirmation, enrollment, guiding administrations.

About The LOL COIN Token

There will be an internal token that can be used within the platform and have certain advantages. This will be called "LOL" as token symbol. It will be developed on the basis of Ethereum blockchain and will be in ERC20 standard. Security Token Offerings (STO) as the model selected the fund formation. One LOL token price is $ 0.07. Payments will be accepted as ETH.

Token Details

Token Type: Utility

Total Token Supply: 1.5B LOL

Purchase Methods: BTC, ETH, USD

Target on Crowdsale: $42,000,000

Soft Cap: $10,000,000

Security Token Offerings (STOs) are more regulated and more credible Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs). ICOs sound like Initial Public Offerings (IPOs), but they’re not real securities–STOs are the real IPO equivalent. Both are Security and Exchange Commision (SEC) compliant and return investors with real-value. LOL COIN are doing an STO because they want to promote trust and give our investors the kind of returns that make them advocates for the long-term success of the company. The token-holders will get 11.5% of every transaction charge that flows through the LOL ecosystem.

Token Distribution

55%: STO

6%: Advisor

4%: bounty/Communities

15%: Team

20%: University Reserve Fund


Use of Funds

45%: LOL Ecosystem Development

20%: Marketing

20%: Operating Costs

10%: Legal and Admin

5%: Educational Reserve/Fund



At the end of my review, I want to state that such projects are considered to be quite necessary all over the world. For example, every year millions of students are wondering what to do and where to go in order to acquire not only a deserving education in the future, but also an elite, sought-after job. As a result of this, I believe that everyone who cares about their future or the future of their own children is obliged to at least become more familiar with the LOLCOIN concept. More than that, they currently have a sufficient number of already active organizations that have managed to express themselves for many years.

For a better and more thorough LOLCOIN analysis, I have prepared for you all the necessary official project resources. Links of which, you will wait under the provided note. And on this all and see you again!

For more information and join LolCoin social media today please follow these resources:

Username : aqila putri
Address : 0xf1Aee635fb241e9668bE8d32Dd1AffA39Fc4a744
telegram : @Aqila69